Half-Life: Origins


Everyone remembers the first time they stepped onto the Black Mesa Transit System and into the shoes of the unexpected hero, Gordon Freeman. Half-Life Origins is a short film that takes you back to where it all began.

Half-Life: Origins by Infectious Designer

Short, but very sweet. If Half Life were to become a television series, this would be the perfect title sequence.

Trivia: In the tram you can spot a poster for another Half Life short film by Infectious Designer: Beyond Black Mesa.

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TURBO is a high adrenaline short film in the tradition of The Karate Kid and Tron. It tells the story of Hugo Park (Justin Chon, Twilight) a troubled youth whose only outlet for angst is a 4D fighting videogame called “Super Turbo Arena”. When Pharaoh King (Jocko Sims, Crash the Series), the Michael Jordan of cyber-sports, announces a tournament to determine who will join his pro-team, Hugo sets his eyes on the prize. But, Hugo isn’t the only gamer who wants fame and glory.

TURBO by Jarrett Lee Conaway Continue reading



Kaydara, a bounty hunter who is living separately from the Human Resistance Group, does not believe in the prophecy of ‘the One.’ He sees this so-called saviour as a threat to the awakening of Man’s self-awareness and considers him an enemy. If their paths cross, Kaydara will not hesitate to confront him.

Kaydara by Seth Ickerman Studio

Note: The film opens with a five minute stop-motion animation sequence, before introducing the real Matrix action kicks in, so hold tight.

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A man hangs off the edge of skyscraper far above a future city.

His clone pursues him with a single purpose; the vial of pure DNA essence which all clones are reliant on to preserve their life force. Should he hand over the vial or plunge to his death? Would you trust a clone of yourself with your life? Would you trust yourself…

Clone was shot in 4 hours on the rooftop of a London flat!

Clone by Independent Online Cinema Continue reading

Lazy Teenage Superheroes


Tyler is your average awkward teenager just trying to get by like the rest of us. Until one day, he moves in with three unusual roommates – Mitchell, Calvin, and Richard all have extraordinary, super human abilities. Although Tyler still has one thing they don’t have: ambition. Lazy Teenage Superheroes follows Ty as he tries to get his new “super” friends to put down the video games, get off the couch, and use their powers to help save the world, instead of themselves.

lazyteenagesuperheroes.com Continue reading